Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Final Blog Assignment Spring 2009

I hope you have enjoyed your experiences this past year. For your final blog assignment, please give the following considerable thought before composing your responses. For this final entry, I am expecting a narrative response that will read much like an essay, rather than a bulleted list or numbered responses to questions. This blog entry will be considered your final exam grade and will be evaluated using the blog evaluation rubric. Please be aware that your response is due no later than midnight, Wednesday, May 13.

1. Complete all blog/journal assignments you have been assigned throughout the semester.

2. Complete the student competency survey. As you complete this, please be aware that there are several competencies mentioned on the survey that you have not yet been exposed to, and therefore will probably not rank highly on (this is OK - complete the survey based upon what you know at this point in your education).

3. Critique the various guides, instructors, and facilitators you have worked with this past year. Focus on the following aspects, as well as others that you may think of. Use specific examples and situations to demonstrate your perspective, and offer suggestions on how you may have done differently. Be sure to include Teri Woodruff, Stephen Leavins (Katahdin), Tess & Steve Ftorek, Butch Harris (Schooner Captain), Rob Gordon, Jon Tierney, etc.

  • Professionalism
    Teaching Style
    Sense of Humor
    Technical competence
    Conflict resolution
    Equipment used

4. Comment on how you think you performed as a student leader this past year. Think about the concepts relative to leadership that were presented to you before the canoe trip last week, and identify at least one example of how you performed relative to:

  • Planning and Preparation
  • Equipment
  • Food & Water
  • Personal Preparation
  • Navigation
  • Promptness & Timeliness
  • Group Management
  • Communication
  • Safety & Risk Management
  • Leadership Style
5. Think back on the events, activities, courses, and experiences of this past year. Comment on

  • what worked
  • what didn't work
  • how you think the Adventure Rec program and WCCC could better serve your needs as a learner

I encourage you to compose your thoughts in a manner that is constructive and includes suggestions for improvement. I look forward to reading your posts. Have a great summer, and I look forward to seeing you in the fall.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Rock Climbing Reflection

First, let me congratulate you all on your performance on the climbing expedition. I was very impressed with your understanding and demonstration of anchor building and climbing skills, as well as your attention to managing risk during climbing. In addition, I hope that you have all enjoyed the magic of Acadia National Park and the unique experience of climbing next to the ocean. It truly is one of my favorite places on the planet.

As we bring closure to the rock climbing unit, I'd like you to reflect on your experiences over the past few weeks and comment on the following:

View the diagram to the right that illustrates Gernstein's Comfort Zones as they pertain to adventure experiences (click on the diagram to view it larger). Using this diagram and the concept of comfort zones answer the following questions:

  1. What does the term "comfort zone" mean to you?
  2. Did you move beyond your comfort zone during the climbing expedition?
  3. When, specifically?
  4. If you decided to stay within your comfort zone, what was one reason for doing so?
  5. How do you feel about yourself after stepping out of your comfort zone? OR...
  6. How do you feel about yourself after choosing not to step outside your comfort zone?
  7. If you did step out of your comfort zone, what allowed you to do it? OR...
  8. If you didn't step out of your comfort zone, what if anything prevented you from doing so?
  9. Is pushing yourself beyond what is comfortable important to you? Why or why not?
  10. What is the value of stepping out of a comfort zone?
  11. Should people who do not move beyond their comfort zone be pushed a little harder to do so? Why or why not?
  12. What are some good reasons for remaining in a place where you feel entirely comfortable?
  13. Are you more apt to step out of your comfort zone while climbing or engaging in adventure activities than in every-day life? Why or why not?
  14. What is one specific thing you can do to step out of your comfort zone in every-day life?
  15. In studying the diagram, what is the difference between the "groan zone" and the "growth zone"?
  16. What is the relationship between risk and growth? In your answer, address the different types of risk we have discussed: "perceived" risk and "actual" risk.

This will be due before class on Friday, April 24, 2009. As always, I look forward to reading your responses.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Katahdin Reflection

Congratulations to all of you on completing your Katahdin experience. I hope you have enjoyed having a few days to recuperate. For this entry there are three components:

1. Read your posts from the previous blog entry in which you addressed your preparation and identified your goals for the Katahdin experience.

2. As you think back upon your trip, check out some of the pictures from your experience. Select one photograph that represents a time or event during the trip that stands out to you and comment on how you felt at that particular time or place. (Note - you do not have to appear in the photo)

3. Comment on your overall experience on this trip. As you’re writing, think about the following:

  • How did your experience compare with your expectations?
  • Did you accomplish your goal(s)?
  • How do you feel about this?
  • What did you do well?
  • What didn't you do well, and how can you change that next time?
  • Did you notice any kind of special achievement by anyone else?
  • Describe any barriers you encountered.What helped you overcome them?
  • Would you do it again? Why or Why Not?
  • What worked well? What didn't?
  • Give an example from everyday life when you backed away from something you didn’t think you could do. Do you think you could do it now?
  • Describe an example of good and not-so-good Expedition Behavior (EB) while on the trip.
  • Comment on our group management on the trip.
  • What are the potential consequences of good & not-so-good group management?
  • Specifically, how could our group management have been better on the trip?
  • Did you feel unsafe at any time during the trip?
  • Is there anything that you think could have been done to make the experience more safe?
  • Do you think this expedition is too risky? Why or why not?
  • Is there anything you would like to change about the experience?
  • Anything else you would like to add

Remember to use a word processor to compose your post and use spell and grammar check. Your post to this blog is due before class Friday, February 13. We will discuss several aspects of this post during class.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Katahdin Preparation

Part I

Please log your 5 hours of skiing this week. This time, try wearing your backpack while skiing. Place about 20-30 lbs of gear in your pack. After skiing, comment on the following:

  1. Where you skied
  2. Compare skiing with a pack vs without a pack
  3. Any tips on thermoregulating with a pack

Part II

As our Katahdin experience grows nearer, I would like you to think about your goals and expectations; specifically, think and comment on the following:

  1. What are your personal goals for yourself?
  2. What do you think will be particularly challenging?
  3. How have you or are you preparing to deal with that (those) challenge(s).
  4. What are your expectations of the group?
  5. What are your expectations of the instructor(s)?

Part III

On Friday, you were each given a gear list for the Katahdin trip. Review this list and

  1. Identify what gear is listed that you do not already own
  2. Explain how you intend to get each piece of gear you need

Please post your response to this blog by the beginning of class. Remember, class this week is on Thursday from 2:00 to 4:00.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Welcome Back

Welcome back to the spring semester. Please notice that the blog from ADV110 last semester is available via the link on the sidebar to the right, as is a link to the blog from the fall 2007 ADV110 semester. I encourage you to visit these and review your entries and those of others. We will be using this new blog in a way similar to last semester. It is a place to reflect and connect. Your first assignment is in two parts:

Part I:

Download the Intro to Cross Country Skiing Assignment. Using the links below and the information covered in class on Friday, complete the sheet and bring to the next class.


Part II:

You are assigned to fulfill at least five (5) hours of skiing time before our next class on Friday, January 23. I recommend you spread this out over at least two or three days and focus on the basics of balance and technique as we discussed in class. After you complete your hours, create a blog post here that summarizes the following:
  • where you skied
  • about how many miles you think you went
  • how much time it took you
  • how your ski equipment performed
  • what the weather was doing (temp, precip, etc.)
  • what you were wearing for clothing, and
  • how you managed to thermoregulate so you didn't sweat

Please be sure to address each of these in your post and use a word processor to spellcheck and proofread your work. Your post must be posted before class on Friday, January 23.